Sorry folks but I have to chime in here. My friends on the left who are holding their heads saying trump is the end of days, pull your head out. Tout the positives of the candidate you are for and learn from trump. He is a master of dominating the media with smoke and mirrors. Because that is what he has. You all are a twitter about plagiarism, and you have been diverted from real issuses. The trumpers have done this now multiple times in speeches and have your undivided attention. Just say it, Oooooo shiiineey. Are you guys on the left so stupid as to follow your media outlets down the rabbit hole and draw your attention away from real issuses like poverty and education and universal free preschool and universal free health care and free public secondary education. WTF. Really are you so stupid?
My friends on the right. Really? In the 80's trump gave the interview to foreshadow this current campaign. He said he would run as a republican because those voters are so stupid that you can lie to them and they believe it. And you are, stupid and believing it. Your candidate is all image and no substance. And that section of the electorate that believes everything rupert murdoch(fox news)tells them. I wont call you conservatives because you arent. William Buckley jr was a conservative and a man I revere. He commanded respect with his intelligence and his consistency of moral value. He was respected by all no matter how vast the dissagreement. And, he respected those that dissagreed with him demonstrably. He didnt need to demonize his adversary, because he had a wealth of ideas of how things should be in his world view. Trump just makes shit up at the moment with no thought of consistency or implementation, he spouts it off in rambling speeches, and all of you fox news junkies swoon, because you people buy the image not the substance. Atleast reagan had a little substance to go with his larger than life image.
I havent even begun to talk about the off the cuff, imflamatory rhetoric being spoon fed to a disgruntled minority of the middle class. It is sexist, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, anti-religion propoganda worthy of joseph goebels. He would have been proud. I dont believe trump is in this spectrum. I believe him to just want capture media attention. And he has done it well because of the way we want our news for the most part. American media mostly has an agenda to spoon feed an audience for ratings.(got to love capitalism). This leaves us polarized as a country with no one thinking for themselves. Its any wonder that smart people like obama, clinton, carter, kennedy could get elected from a voting population of sheep. But they did things and got things done. The last balanced budgets were under clinton. The first attacks on climate change came under carter. The first real reform of our health care system came under obama. Kennedy started really addressing the race issue in america.
People, stop hating government. It is the thing the founding fathers set up to provide peace, stability, and equality. There are lots of debates we can have as to how to get to those ideals, but lets have them on a civil, respectful basis. We are americans. We need to act with the responsibility that that entails. We are the example for the world, the great experiment, the light of democracy in the darkness of tyranny we see around the world. We need to start acting like americans again. The world is watching.
# posted by DISASTERPRESIDENT @ 7:32 AM