Thursday, December 18, 2008
Our double standard at work again........
It amazes me again. We are going after some silly Governor for selling a Senate seat. For a pay for play system of campaign contributions to stay in power. The press are hounding him. He cant go out for a jog without a troop of reporters there, asking him questions that everyone knows he is not going to answer. He told them the other day 'Hang Loose'. Everyone took this as brazen. Dont we still live in a Democracy. Have you all gotten so jaded by the elimination of Habeas Corpus and having your phones tapped that you have lost your sensibilities of peoples rights? This guy is getting assassinated in the press before he gets his day in court. Do we rule by the mob, or by Jerry Springer Justice? That was France in 1789.
I dont see anyone going after the disasterpresident for giving out no bid contracts to the people that made contributions to get him into office. I dont see the press interrupting his jog to ask him why he and his vice disasterpresident and his disastersecretary of Defense authorized the torture, and rendition of US citizens and foreigners. I dont understand why the American people have not stood up and thrown shoes at these Traitors to American(and World)Democracy. We have lost our senses as well as our rights under the Constitution. We are allowing now the Rape of our wilderness and the further erosion of our rights by the last minute orders of Treasonist Bastards.
Of course this does not surprise me, we stood by and allowed this disasteradministration to Kill and Maim thousands of our sons and daughters for Political and Economic gain.
The guy(Muntazer al-Zaidi) is the bravest man in the world the other day. He did what we have all been thinking, show this coward for what he is. We need to hold ALL our leaders to a better standard and do something about it with all of them if they appear to go astray. THERE NEEDS TO BE A WAR CRIMES TRIAL FOR ALL THE TOP DISASTERADMINISTRATION LEADERS. If we as a people dont do this, then it will be our sons and daughters that were ordered to do their dirty work(just like at Abu Ghraib)that will be put on trial for WAR CRIMES.