Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Your pocket is being picked again in the name of fear.....

Headlines have me chuckling these days. The Fed Chairman came out with a statement that said we will need to "bail out" the big Wall Street firms with $700 billion if we don't want to go into a RECESSION. Where has this guy been? What America does he live in that he thinks we are not in a RECESSION already. I wonder at which kitchen table that he worries about his Mortgage. Another talking head said that this is a financial 911. I know that every time I have heard that, some politician is LYING to me. This last 8 years has been one disaster after another. Now it is finances. I also love the guys that are coming out and blaming the American People for this mess. The say things like, 'the public wanted these mortgages that they knew they could not afford", and the new idea about lending to MINORITIES through the Fair Housing Act, somehow they are to blame that predatory lenders got hold of them and charged them more and set them up for failure. Whenever I have financed a house, I have never read all the document&183; I rely on a professional to give me good advice. But the professionals did not set up the program or even read the whole thing and understand all the rules either. They just know how much commission they make off which instrument. NO, it is the institutions that made up the writing and contracts that we do not read, that we rely on experts to interpret for us. It is the MORGAN STANLEY's, MERRIL LYNCH's, and the AIG's of this economy that have done this. I am still working, still paying my credit card that they changed the rules on to charge me more interest. I still get money out of the ATM that they encourage me to use and charge me $2 to use each time. I still buy the Big Screen TV from MAGNAVOX that they encourage me to buy, that was Made in China instead of employing a fellow American and the piece of crap TV dies on me several months after the warranty. Is it me that is responsible for forming my buying habits, my financing habits, the way I spend my hard earned money? That is what these ASSHOLES from the disasteradministration would have me believe. Or they would play on my fears of MINORITIES, people who are different than me to stir me up and get me to believe that, WE the American People need to hand over $700 billion of our hard earned money to ASSHOLES that already made more money in their paycheck than me in the first place. Why am I "BAILING" them out?
Let's look at the recent history of the disasteradministration. The disastervicepresident came from Haliburton. He came from the Military-Industrial complex. Then the contrived ATTACK on NEW YORK happened and the disasteradministration had their opportunity. We got suckered into WAR with lies, deceit and traitorous activities(OUTING AN UNDERCOVER CIA AGENT IN TIME OF WAR). Who made money off the ILLEGAL PRE-EMPTIVE WAR with IRAQ? Of course these guys and all their cohorts in the Military-Industrial Complex that Eisenhower warned us about. This is the only industry that we still don't ship overseas, so they still all have jobs. The only industry that the disasterpresident and his elite Republican operatives(the Democrats have done this also)could not funnel large amounts of tax payer dollars to without a huge backlash is the financial institutions of the country. He could not start a trade war that loses people money. Hmmm, How could he do it? Shazammmm. After eight years of dismantling the safeguards of regulation over financial institutions(WITH THE ENTHUSIASTIC HELP OF JOHN MCCAIN), they start having problems meeting their obligations on bad debt that they promoted, sold and made huge commissions on. Then these same institutions packaged these bad loans to hide them just like ENRON. Oh! 911 all over again, in a financial sense. We are in crisis! Be afraid! Embrace your fear, with a little help from a well practiced propaganda machine. And now we have to hand them $700 billion dollars. Ah, I get it. This is the way the disasterpresident was going to give a going away present to his financial institution buddies. $700 billion can buy a lot more houses and a lot more yachts.
Here is the compensation of several companies from the Military-Industrial complex and the financial industry of our country.
Martin-Marietta CEO 11 million dollars per year
Boeing CEO 16 million dollars per year
Haliburton CEO 14 million dollars per year

Morgan Stanley CEO 41 million dollars per year
Merrill Lynch CEO 28 million dollars per year
Wachovia CEO 24 million dollars per year

I get it now. The people that run the financial institutions are not used to hard times only making the 10 to 15 million dollar salaries a year that they are used to in the Military-Industrial complex area of the American Economy. How could we ask them to sacrifice themselves for so little. We need to keep their salaries up their so that we can make billionaires out of them so that they can trickle their money down and create jobs in
If Americans are all equal, then why did they give us the stimulus package check with only $600 dollars per person. The corporate bailout if you figure 4 million recipients equals $175,000. I could have stimulated alot of economy with that. Good luck America.

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