Tuesday, September 30, 2008


America: still racist, business as usual.....

We are having the worst financial crisis in 70 years and our government is taking off two days from doing anything because of the Jewish holiday?!?! Gee, as I recall, this is a Christian country. We did not do anything for Ramadan. We did not stop the presses, did not interupt our routine or even acknowledge that this was taking place. There are more followers of Mohamed than follows of whoever the Jews believe butters their bread. 5% versus 3%. But you would not get this since our foreign policy, foreign aide, and our military industrial complex is geared toward what Israel wants and needs. Why aren't we bailing out Italy's failed economy? There are more Italians in America than Jews. 5.6% versus 3%. We dont give Italy 30$ billion in foreign aide per year. Why not??????? And should I mention Mexicans and our financial treatment of Mexico and that ethnic group in our country?!?!?!?!

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