Monday, September 03, 2007
Be afraid of these idiots, be very afraid...........
Notice the parade of traitors to United States parading through this video.
The Revolution begins with you. If you are tired of what is going on, it is time to do something about it. "All das Wissen, das ich mir über alle anderen erwerben kann, aber mein Herz ist ausschließlich meine eigenen." "Die Linie zwischen Gut und Böse Schnitte durch das Herz eines jeden Menschen."
Ein Volk, Eine Erde, Ein Geist Two forrest roads lay upon my path diverged with the various wear Leaf besmerched they seemed to say many, have trodden there Long and winding damp and binding their routes spoke volumnes to me Dark lay both ahead with similar solemn beauty But which to choose? Should I prove fit to this narrow wooded passage What will I lose? Should I dash ahead with nothing but to fate commit Looking away from the unknown and inward to my soul My steps came down on the forrest overgrown in direction, I found my goal and this had made all the difference.