Thursday, August 23, 2007
The disasterpresident rewrites history.......again
Score: Viet Nam - 1 United States - 0. Remember that War? That is the War that, the disasterpresident, Karl Rove, Darth Chenney, Dan 'Gimpy' Lungren, and a host of Republican Family Values Super Patriots(read chickenshithawks) hid under the covers shaking in fear lest they have to go serve their country. Yes, all these men dodged the draft or deserted their post in time of War. Those guys dont remember that War because they were busy and could not be there. While others, mostly Democrats, were standing up and doing their Patriotic duty to the United States, the chickenshithawks were hiding, partying, deserting their Air National Guard Post, and otherwise shaking in fear that their numerous excuses and exemptions from the draft woudl fall through.
The disasterpresident would have you believe that if it wasn't for the US pulling out our troops so quickly from Viet Nam, we would have won. Aside from the obvious assumption he makes that we lost that War, the only thing he gets right in his argument, he imagines that we should not have followed Henry Kissinger's advice; "Declare Victory and get out quick". According to this logic, we should still be in Viet Nam. The disasterpresident did say that building a Democracy in Iraq may take 50 years. If we follow this formula of Nation/Democracy building, our on going casualties from the Viet Nam front would be 170,000 dead to date. Wounded would be that figure multiplied by 8. There would not be space even in the shut down wings of Walter Reed.
With an accelerating price tag on wars and equipment since then, we see the ecconomic cost of the Viet Nam solution that the Disasterpresident proposed as a better historical policy as 3.8 trillion dollars to date.
The disasterpresident makes the same foriegn policy mistakes previous real presidents have made even inviting the same worn out people to resurect those failed policies. It is being done for a much different purpose.
The consequence of this War proposal is to have a perpetual War. Orwell warned us of this path. This perpetual War consumes the resources of the nation and we have no room for social programs. We have no room for Government subsidized Health Care programs. We have no room for education outside the military effort. We only have resources in the budget to keep us safe. When the Cold War ended and we won, the Defense(a misslabel)budget increased. After WWII atleast the military budget dipped a little and we were doing some genuine nation buliding. This state of diverting resources away from social entitlements is the tool that certian wealthy factions of our society have been pushing for years. It was not going to be voted out complely by a representative body of the people no matter how corrupt. No you have to get the people to collude in the process of selling their own future. You do this with Patiotism. You appeal to the sense of duty and sacrifice that most of us have in our society. You send other peoples children off to fight a War that will not benefit them and will squander the future of their children.
The disasterpresident and every other chickenshithawk in the Government need to bring our children home and send their own if these goals are so noble. Lets see them turn over their portfolio and pay down the budget deficit that they ran up subsidizing the corporate oligarchs in the United States. Better yet, lets throw these bastards out of office, bring our troops home, and start treating the world like they are our friends.
Our country stands divided because of blaming, hating and wanting war to go away so that a majority of Iraqi society will be destroyed. Will this make your world safer?
When we pull out, you will really feel like a big man on the blogster.
American For Peace
When we pull out, the first people to get killed will be al Queada. They will serve both major sides in Iraq no more purpose and therefore will be the first to go. There may or may not be a blood bath in the civil war that is going on now and will continue whether or not we are there. Who knows Sunni and Shia may just work out their issues. Right now their biggest issue is us. If we pull out, yes we are responsible for what will happen based on the War crimes commited by our current leadership, but we will stop the loss of our troops and our prestige in the world.
To make us safe, that will take dropping all support for the Israeli policy of GENOCIDE and APARTHEID happening with the Palestinians. That will take the target off our back and put it back where it belongs on Israeli OCCUPATION and APARTHEID and GENOCIDE. They are the real terrorist.
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