Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Reprint from Seamus da TROLL, thanks James
The Link Between Sadam and Osama
James Staples (Seamus da TROLL)
This was originally posted as a comment to an excellent blog by Pleasant Surmise", entitled, "Sadam-bin Laden Connection Found!" This is a great piece, which is typical of the whole blog. -THINK TRUTH- highly recommends Pleasant Surmise's blog page. The pieces are well-researched, highly detailed and calmly rational.
Perhaps I am over-simplifying, but it seems that, if you want to find a link between Sadam Hussein and the bin Ladens, it is fairly easy to find it in the Bush family, and reference to information that has been in the public domain for a long time is more than sufficient to show it.
We all know the infamous photo of Rumsfeld shaking hands with Sadam Hussein (you can find it on this blog, below, originally posted by jumelle soeur). The United States helped Sadam become the president of Iraq, back in the '80s. Reagan was using him to get at Iran.
The close ties between the Bush family and the House of Saud, which includes the bin Ladens, are also well-documented. When the towers were coming down on 9-11, the elder George Bush was having breakfast with Faisal bin Laden, Osama's elder brother. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a simple fact. Google it. Any legitimate resource will back me up.
Sadam Hussein was a longtime ally of Reagan and the Bush family. The Bush family are longtime friends of the bin Ladens. There is no speculation here, no rhetoric, no politics, no framing, no spin, no bullshit and no doubt about it. Hussein-Bush/Bush-bin Laden ...there's your connection.
That's why George Bush, sr. thinks his son is messing everything up in the Middle-East (another fact that is available, in Geroge H.W. Bush's own words, to anyone who wants to read it). Alliances that have been forged since 1946 are all being shot to shit by Monkey-Boy and his thugs.