Sunday, May 13, 2007


A reprint from the paper press by friend Jim

This is a repost from a letter to the editor that deserves wider attention.

Let's see what you get if you take a pompous CIA Director, a no-name FBI Director, a featherweight National Security Adviser, a gullible Secretary of State and add to the mix an intellectually challenged President, a Vice President who does not know the truth from fiction, a gutless Congress and a bunch of neo-cons who have a messianic view of the role ofthe US in the Middle East.
You have a war based on half-truths, mis-truths and outright lies that has been incompetently run, thousands of people dead, a destroyed country in civil war, and a President who can not define victory. We are in a war that has no light at the end of the tunnel.
In peace,
James G. Updegraff

If you want to understand your options to promote peace follow Jim and I to the following website:

usa needs to leave now
Cant agree more, Jamal. We are wasting the lives of the people of Iraq, we are wasting the lives of the best and the brightest of the USA, and we are wasting the years of good will that we had built in the world.
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