Sunday, May 13, 2007
Bring Peace to the Middle East! Treat both sides equally
If you really want Peace in the Middle East, you need to treat both sides as equals. Work with whoever the Palestinians ELECT and work with whoever the Israelis ELECT. Or, since we have chosen to BOYCOTT their FREELY ELECTED GOVERNMENT and EMBARGO their trade and WITH HOLD aid and the TAXES that they pay, we need to do the same for Israel. This will be seen as the only EQUITABLE solution by the world. Otherwise, we will breed a whole new generation of Palestinian that will have nothing to lose and will like nothing better than to blow themselves up, taking a few Americans with them. Come to your senses America. Everyone in the Senate that forwards Israeli foreign policy and puts forward what is best for Israel is a TRAITOR to this country and needs to be voted out of office.
It is time to elect people who are representing America first. Democrats, Republicans, it does not matter; they are both guilty of this 49 year old policy blunder. Supporting Israel right or wrong(Israel has never followed the UN resolution 242). As long as we continue our uneven handed policy in the Middle East with the Palestinians, they will want to kill Americans. As long as we do not abide by the rule of International Law, they will want to kill Americans. As long as we stand by as Israel commits GENOCIDE, they will want to kill Americans. As long as we resupply Israel after their disastrous military adventures in Palestine and Lebanon, they will want to kill Americans.
To get out of the cross hairs of the terrorists, we need to step on Israel TODAY, to end the OCCUPATION and GENOCIDE being committed in Palestine. Israel must give back the Golan Heights to Syria. Israel must give back the disputed territories to Lebanon. Only then will we have Iraq calm down, civil unrest will wane, and our troops can come home. You will see an Iraq that will be able to stand up. You will see an Iraq that might even be favorable to our Oil interests for their own capitalistic terms. We could see Peace in a Middle East that was moving toward Democratic and more secular institutions. It wont happen under the current disasterpresident.
Phillip Wister