Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sex Scandal in the Executive; they will turn it into a disaster.......
Enter Miz Julia. The latest Madam to be arrested and threaten to name names. But she does not have just any Black Book. She has a Black Book that contains the names of Senior disasterwhitehouse members. Enter Randall Tobias, director of foreign aide programs at the State Department, resigned because, schucks, his name was going to come out first on the list of names that used what the Government is prosecuting as a "PROSTITUTION RING". Randall Tobias is 65 and Married, so much for Republican family values. Randall Tobias said he used to hire Escorts to give him massages, but he NEVER(He repeated), NEVER had sex with them. Randall Tobias used to head the agency that ran family planning missions in the 3rd world. The agency under him towed the disasterpresidents line of abstinence from sex is the way to not get pregnant.
Who does this IDIOT think we are? Anyone who hires a woman a third his age to give him a massage and does not have a happy ending is either an IDIOT or thinks that the American people are IDIOTS. Stupid enters this equation somewhere.
The beauty of this is that Miz Julia started with the small frys in the disaster administration. She is quite bright and is dribbling out names at ever increasing levels of authority in the disasteradministration in order not to be prosecuted. This makes sense to me. She is playing the cards in her hand. She can probably plea bargain this away, unless suddenly this becomes a National Security issue and she is declared an 'ENEMY COMBATANT' and whisked off to Guantanamo Bay. Any American can suffer this fate and be held without the benefit of HABEAS CORPUS, because this was taken away from American Citizens by the radical republicans and the disasterpresident in 2005.
This SEX SCANDAL will reach into the upper levels of this disasteradministration, because these guys are so drunk with power that their junkets away from their wives with the Jack Abramhoffs of the world will put the Soprano crime family to shame. These guys will all deny ever having sex with these young women, or men, or children, following the prominent example of Evangelical Christian Leaders and former radical republican congressmen, or they will just say that they were drunk and check into rehab till the dust settles.
The disasterpresident has raised the lantern to show the way of corruption and incompetence for his loyal supporters. Everything the disasterpresident has touched he has turned into the worst possible scenario for the American people. Katrina, the attack on New York, Afgahnistan, Iraq, Foreign Policy, the Economy, the Environment, support for the Troops, Federal Prosecuter firings, are all corruption scandals just to name a few. Now they have a SEX SCANDAL, and be prepared America for them to screw this up.
I yearn for the good old days when a real, genuine Man was in the White House. He could run a good country, people could be prosperous, crime would go down, the budget would be balanced, America was respected in the World, the American President(Bill Clinton) was revered around the globe(and still is), and he could have a happy ending with his massage and feel good about it.
Phillip Wister
This administration is a laughing stock, unfortunately it isn't at all funny what they have done to our country!
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