The only thing that would bring the JudeoFascists to the Peace table is to bring them to their knees. The Weak Kneed JudeoFascist sympathizers in Washington will not bring them to Peace. Cut off their oil and they would be helpless in a week. This is how APARTHEID ended in Old South Africa, BOYCOTT. Private Institutions in the US and Europe and several forward thinking NationStates took the lead to bring down a repressive regime in South Africa. It worked. It was fairly Peaceful. It did not require the Democratic Congress or the Republican President at the time to stand up for any morals(which they did not).
We can bring Peace to the Middleast in just the same way, boycott Israeli products and implore Mexico and the North Sea nations to stop selling Oil to Israel. We can put pressure on these governments to stop the APARTHEID and GENOCIDE that the JudeoFascists in Israel are continuing to commit. Isn't our goal in the Middleast political stability?
Phillip Wister
# posted by DISASTERPRESIDENT @ 9:41 AM