Thursday, January 11, 2007


What Abraham Lincoln and the disasterpresident have in common......

Boy it is interesting. The Republico-News organizations are now being paid to put out the propaganda comparing the disasterpresident to Abraham Lincoln. This seems incredible even on the part of the Karl Rove school of propaganda. But if you look closely, you can get a clear picture of how this makes sense.
Look at the facts;

Lincoln was a great orator on paper, but because of Marphan syndrome, he delivered his speeches with a high pitched grating voice.
Look at the disasterpresidents speeches; awesome text but delivered like it is the Howdy-Doody show.

Lincoln on the podium was tall, gawky, and uneasy with towering above most others at the time.
The disasterpresident always looks like he does not know what to say next at the podium, and he has teleprompters!

Lincoln worked with a Corrupt, War profiteering, Radical Republican Congress.
Some things dont change.

Lincoln presided over a CIVIL WAR, which he called a REBELLION.
The disasterpresident presides over a CIVIL WAR that he calls an INSURGENCY.

Lincoln blockaded the coast of the Confederacy to shorten the War.
The disasterpresident blockaded the coast of Iran to lengthen and expand the WAR.(They both used the Navy to do this)

Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus and ignored the Supreme Court ruling to reinstate.
The disasterpresident suspended Habeas Corpus and stacked the Supreme Court so they would not rule against his anti-Liberty moves.

Lincoln acknowledged the sacrifice of his Army and wrote some personal letters to families of the fallen.
The disasterpresident doesnt allow photos of flag draped coffins and does not attend funerals of soldiers.(Gee not at all alike)

Lincoln fired generals that lied to him and would not fight.
The disasterpresident fired generals that told the truth and fought like Spartans.
(Kinda opposite I guess)

Lincoln spent his days locked in the Whitehouse worried about his nation.
The disasterpresident spends most of his time on vacation at his ranch.
(Gosh, these guys are nothing alike)

Lincoln freed the slaves.
The disasterpresident is creating economic slavery, and trying to spread it throughout the World, with the Middleast being first.

Last but not least:
Lincoln invaded and occupied New Orleans during the Civil War without causaties in seven days.
The disasterpresident did nothing during a hurricane and let New Orleans be destroyed in five days, then he invaded with the National Guard and more people died.

I think this time Karl Rove and his paid propaganda minions at Fox will have a tough time selling the Lincoln-disasterpresident connection.
Stand up against these people coopting our Democracy. Tell the Democrats to bring back our prestige in the World.
Participate and stay vigilent. Lastly, we must get someone to give the disasterpresident some tickets to Ford's theatre, there are times when you just have to leave it to fate........
Phillip Wister

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