Saturday, November 11, 2006


The disasterpresident gets rid of Rummy but beware the reasons.....

Now that the Democrats are dancing in the streets and measuring drapes, it is more important than ever to be vigilent. The disasterpresident 'got rid' for Rummy no sooner than the last ballot was counted. This was no surprise. This had been in the works and it should be no surprise that he picked Robert Gates as a replacement. You dont remember Robert Gates. He was a main figure that could not be indited in the Iran-Contra Afair as they spun it. This was an ILLEGAL OPERATION run by the acting-president(Reagan) to supply TERRORISTS in Central America to fight a Popularly won revolution against a Dictator(friend of the acting-president)and Popularly elected Government, Nicuragua. Congress(Democrats) had strictly outlawed funds for supporting these TERRORISTS. The acting-president and his loyal supporters(conspiritors), Oliver North, Robert Gates and others, cooked up a scheme to fund these TERRORISTS.This was the funding process:The conspiritors sold weapons to Iran(strictly banned under American Law)and shipped the money to the Contras(also strictly banned under American Law). This seems pretty straight forward. This arrangement started before the acting-president ever got into office. What you say? As you recall, those bad old Iranians held our embassy staff hostage till, you guessed it, till the acting-president became the acting-president in a narrow election in 1980. The person who was to soon be the acting-vicepresident and ex head of the CIA(Bush the elder) went to Paris, met with the Iranians and made sure that our hostages were held till after the election. Neat trick huh? Part of the deal was to resupply parts for all the American equipment that Iran could not use against its enemy Saddam during their war. So this meant that a special unit, answering only to the acting-president through Oliver North was selling weapons to Iran, while a seperate unit of the Department of Defense was selling satelite reconnaissance and chemical weapons to Iraq during the same war! That is what I call War profiteering. Of course if you read my blog, "What Hitler and the Pretzel have in common"
(October 2 you will see War profiteering happens throughout the disasterpresidents family history. You think things cannot get worse in our history lesson? Ah, they do. All the weapons sales did not add up to enough money to support the Contras. There seems to be graft, greed, corruption, and waste in even the best clandestine operation. So the CIA, in which Robert Gates was a Deputy Director at the time, started assisting our good friends the Contras in trafficking Cocaine. There is alot of profit in that. Doesnt anyone wonder why so much Cocaine got into the United States during the 80's War on drugs? The prices went down and supply went up and the profits were outstanding because the United States became the newest market for Cocaine. There was money to be made because there were Fascists to support and Communists to fight. Does anyone wonder why we invaded the soverign nation of Panama, captured their President Noriega, and now have him sequestered in a prison in South Florida. He was a conduit for the Contras to ship their Cocaine with CIA blessing directly to the United States. I would bet that the same Air Service that carts around enemy combatants to secret prisons for torturing also helped get all that Cocaine into the United States. Robert Gates was a Deputy Director of the CIA at the time. Darthchenney was the Secretary of Defense at the time of the Panama invasion and minority whip in Congress for the Republicans derailing investigations of the Iran-Contra Affair. Rummy was special envoy to the Middleast for the acting-president(and also the guy that was the messenger selling Saddam the Chemical Weapons he used on the Kurds.)

December 20, 1983

James Baker(recently resurrected)was the Secretary of the Treasury at the time. I guess you can make alot of money flow without being seen if you are Secretary of the Treasury. All these guys were just close enough to the largest ignored subversion of the Constitution in the last century. Robert Gates was right in the middle of it all.

What are the consequences of this appointment? Robert Gates is a man who managed not to be indited in one of the largest subversions of the Constitution in the last century and kept it quiet. My guess is that he is back to cover up all the things left hanging in this administration that the Congress, now controled by the Democrats(read enemy) are going to investigate. That is the Robert Gates that this administration wants to run the Defense Department. He is a soldier for their cause, and good at sweeping everything under the rug. Bring on the investigations.It aint over yet America,
Phillip Wister

Once again, I find myself looking at a lesser of the two evils. I hope that Rummy is convicted as a war criminal for more than 600k deaths of innocent civilians and joins his buddy Saddam whoisinsane once again. The last time I had to vote for an evil person is when I had to vote for either Bush, Kerry or someone who wouldn't have a chance at winning.
Search google video for "Alex Jones" and find where he talks about Bush/Kerry
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