Wednesday, October 11, 2006
We have heard this before from the disasterpresident.....
Tom 'the hammer' Delay ex R-TX. I remember him, wait he is still on the ballot in Texas but said he resigned. I think it had something to do with FRAUD, CONSPIRACY, MONEY and POWER.
John 'Boner' Boehner R-OH. He is the Majority Leader in the House, not for long boner boy.
Roy Blunt R-MO. He is the Majority Whip. Boy he must have fun with those lively Family Values Republicans.
Eric Cantor R-VA. He is the assisstent Majority Whip. Boy this whip business must be a big job for these Family Values guys, they have to have two of them to crack the whip on the Republicans.
Deborah Pryce R-OH. House Republican Conference, that must be where they make the tough choices, like when we tell Americans that House Pages are being molested by their fellow Family Values Republicans,...or not. She must really know what to do with the House Page program.
Jack Kingston R-GA. Vice Chairman of the Republican Conference. I did not know Vice had to have its own chairman in Congress, I thought it was a free-for-all, atleast on the internet.
John 'Pussy' Dolittle R-CA. The last name is probably the most apt description of the latest Republican dominated Congress. He is the secretary. John loves the page program almost as much as Tom Foley ex R-FL did and still does for all we know. He also loves money so much that he puts 15% of all campaign donations from whatever source in his personal family bank account. I guess the retirement from Congress aint that good. John once bankrolled a Democrat to run in an election to delute the vote of his Democratic opponent. And you thought Florida elections were fraudulent. He is a Family Vaules guy that supports ABORTION as long as it is third worlders that are getting them. He is a great friend of Jack Abramoff, and hired Jacks people to work in his Congressional office. Johns wife worked for Jack Abramoff, learned everything she knows about scamming for personal POWER AND MONEY. John never served his country in the military, but he could be heard to say(walking into the Bank)"just call me Pussy".
Adam Putnam R-FL. Head of the Republican policy committee. I guess this is where they decided that it was OK to molest underage House Pages, or atleast to cover it up till after the election. You dont hear much from this guy, maybe he is lying low for a reason.
Tom Reynolds R-NY. There is a guy in the news. He heads the National Republican Congressional Conference. He should have known that his breathern were molesting underage boys in the House, and he did! And he told the Republican leadership.
What do we do with these people America, I ask you? Do we give them a pass? Do we just make the excuse that "the guy was Gay"? That "the guy was Drunk?" That "the guy was Molested?"
The above Leadership is responsible for House Pages being left to the wiles of Sexual Predators like Tom Foley ex R-FL. Except for Tom Reynolds R-NY, they did nothing to stop this and were in the position to know and did nothing. Dennis "I know nothing" Hastert R-Ill said,
"if anyone...... covered up information.....they would be fired." Well America the above people covered up, withheld, and aquiessed to House Pages being molested over the internet. It is time to fire them.
The disasterpresidents spokesman today put a nice face on the molesting of House Pages over the internet. (Tony)Snow stated, "Look, I hate to tell you, but it's not always pretty up there on Capitol Hill and there have been other scandals as you know that have been more than simply naughty e-mails." He was speaking in an interview on CNN about the Tom Foley ex R-FL scandal.
I remember the good old days, when the disasterpresident told the nation that whoever in his administration leaked the name of Valerie Plame the undercover CIA officer working on Middleast affairs in time of War would be fired. Well four people have been named as each seperately contacting friendly news sources and revealing the name, AND NOTHING HAPPENED. Richard Armitage came forward and said, 'I did it first' and nothing happened. Nobody was held accountable for TREASON in that case. No one will be held accountable for some "naughty emails" in the House of Representatives. It probably goes on all the time. The message coming from the disasterpresident and the named Republican leadership in the House of Representatives is:
It is OK to Molest Children over the internet because it is 'simpy naughty emails'. There is bigger stuff to worry about.
It is OK to Lie about important issues like intelligence and weapons of mass destruction.
It is OK to endanger the lives of undercover CIA agents as long as we can discredit the truth which interferes with our goals.
It is OK that Republicans discard their values and beliefs, as long as they retain MONEY AND POWER.
Take back your power next month America, VOTE.
Good Luck,
Phillip Wister
Poor Foley - he's the real victim here!
And it was all Bill Clinton and the Democrat's fault!!!
(I put you up in the Blog links over at my Lair)
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