Saturday, October 21, 2006
Onward Psuedo Christians.........
The word Hypocrite comes to mind here.
Currently we are in yet another War(The organized killing of Human Beings was not in Jesus' teaching anywhere). This War incorporates the Theology and Politics of Hate, which has been going on for some time. The Pat Robertsons and the Jerry Falwells of our society have delved their "Flocks" into a Middle Ages mentality. 'We can only believe what is in the Bible and that will only be interpreted by "US".' This kind of philosophy assumes that we are all morons and cant think for ourselves. This is the same Political philosophy espoused during Mr Nixons era that 18 year olds could go die in combat but they could not vote for or against the Bastards that sent them there.
Getting back to the Christian way of life, we have brought our values to Iraq. Just think, when Saddam was in power people were not killing each other and others in such great numbers(600,000 dead) as they are under their liberators, The Americans. When Saddam was in power, there was no Al Qeada in Iraq. Iraq was not Shiite country, it was secular. Shiites and Sunnis tolerated each other or just did not want to face Saddams consequences for not getting along. Now Iraq is basking in the glories of Liberty. In every neighborhood in Bagdad it is now Liberty echoing the sounds of east LA, or Harlem. Doesnt Liberty sound great. The Moslems are learning by examble from their Christian Liberators, the numerous ways to dehumanize your fellow human beings in order to justify killing them. After all, they believe something slightly different about The Same Religion.
I also hear all the time how WE cannot understand the people blowing themselves up(martyring themselves) to kill us. How can we not understand this? Christians invented MARTYRDOM. We have been playing this game in the west since the Christ was Martyred. Yes the Moslems have learned well from us Christian, Family Values folks. I do believe they are on their way to the kind of Democracy that we can be proud of, the kind of Liberty we are used to, the kind of violent society in the world for which we are renowned.
I am just so proud that the War disasterpresident, the great decider, our Christian disasterpresident who wraps himself in Flag and Faith, is yet giving us one more examble of the Atrocities of Christianity. I am so excited that generations of Americans will have to live down the deaths we have caused in Jesus' name. Look down at your hands Generation X and Y and you all that dont vote. They are covered in the blood of your friends and neighbors and also in the blood of everyone on whom we perpetrated War.
If you happen to be in the 40% of Americans that go to church on Sunday or Saturday, dont call yourself my brother and sister in Christ, because if you supported or support the current American regime, you are a Hypocrite.
It is time for Regime Change! Get out and vote all these Bastards out of office.
Good luck,
Phillip Wister