Saturday, October 07, 2006
A new excuse for the disasterpresident...........It might work!
The disasterpresident can learn alot from him and it seems he already has. The disasterpresident has been in the closet for years about his Military service record. Lets face it, he did not serve his country. He has run against Honored Vetrans and slurred their Military record. This is the Politics of cynisim as formulated by Karl Rove. Project any negative theme on you opponent that can be used on you. It confuses the public about the issues just like the Tobacco industry about cancer and the Oil industry with Global Warming. Mark Foley has done just that, go after the Child Molesters on the internet and be the champion of the Family Values set, while he is doing his best to molest boys in the Congressional page program. The ultimate hypocritical cynical projection of personal Power and Greed. We are accustomed to this tactic from the disasterpresident and the Family Values Republicans and now with Mark Foley as their posterboy.
The disasterpresident and the Republican Leadership can learn another important lesson from Mark Foley; 'I was molested, I am Gay and I was drunk'. The implicit message in this molesters 'non-apology' is that he was not responsible for his actions. This is typical denial of a molester to find any excuse to not take responsibility for their actions. Alcoholics do this, Drug Addicts do this, and Child Molesters do this. Everyone viewing the situation feels somehow sorry for the molester, like they were a victim in this situation in which they got caught. Sorry, there are no excuses for molesting children or allowing children to be molested. You dont get a pass on Molesting Children no matter how much Limbaugh and O'Reilly say it is the Liberal Propaganda.
Examine Dennis Hasterts R-Ill 'non-apology'. He said he was sorry that people felt let down. He was sorry peoples trust was shaken. He was even sorry for the Parents of these pages who felt insecure about their boys being unsafe. He made no appoligies for his actions. No resposibility. Lets examine his words.
"I'm deeply sorry this has happened, and the bottom line is we're taking responsibility," Hastert said outside his district office in Batavia, Ill. "Ultimately, the buck stops here."
This sounds nice, he says 'we' are responsible, but he only is sorry that 'it' happened. In the next breath......
"The people who want to see this thing blow up are ABC News and a lot of Democratic operatives, people funded by George Soros," Hastert said........
Here he is looking for someone to blame. Like this story was made up. It now sounds like it was some master plan by the great Left Wing Conspiracy to trip him up. How sly those Liberals are. This is a much more subtle and confusing message than, "I was drunk". Maybe you could teach the disasterpresident something about squirming out of messes so we would not have to tolerate so many Lies.
Mr disasterpresident, this is how your administration has been run. Disasters happen, you are not prepared for it and you LIE about what is happening, and look for someone to blame. This is not like your business adventures, where rich Saudis come in and bail you out as a courtesy to your dad. People are dying. This is real.
It is time the disasterpresident came out of the closet. We need someone to lead us and not confuse us with invented news and boogeyman politics. Lets just clear the air and get all your LIES on the table so you can start fresh and do something for the country.
You dodged the draft in Viet Nam by getting a place in the Texas Air National Guard. You were AWOL from this duty post and refused a drug screen when required to provide it. You recieved inside information from your father on business adventures that were about to turn sour with the wind of International crisis about to happen. Your companies were all bailed out by rich middleastern families with financial ties to your father. You had a terrible record in Texas on the environment, deficit spending, and human rights which you took to Washington. You were the first President in history to enter office with a criminal record. You have taken more vacation than any other leader in history. You took the most campaign contributions from Enron than any other single politician. You were friends with Jack Abramoff and continue to deny it. You were the first in history to cut disabled Vetrans benefits and proposed a cut in benefits to active duty service personel and their families in time of War. You are the first to plan and execute a pre-emptive attack on two soverign nations. You are the first to NOT respond to a natural disaster in this country. You are the first to advocate torture of prisoners in official United States custody.
So, now these are on the table. The first step is always admitting that you are an alcoholic. Doesnt it feel better to know that you dont have to go back to that life. You can bring the troops home for their safety and you will be honest, Iraq was a disstraction, a mistake, and has nothing to do with the War on Terror or WMD. It was a Lie for political purposes. You can now start leading the country one day at a time without the threat of one more revelation of impropriety or one more casualty in Iraq.