Friday, September 22, 2006
Update on the bombing of Pakistan.........
Here is the miracle of this whole story; the disasterpresident said he READ it in the newspaper. But, but Mr. disasterpresident, you told us you dont read newspapers. You said you had legions of underlings to read them for you and tell you what they say. No, the pretzel clearly said "until I read it in the newspaper this morning." What paper was that Mr. disasterpresident? Who dared run such a story? Didnt you have all the media muffled by now? You will have to get your friends at FOX to print up news that totally undermines the credibility of this story and for that matter, the President of Pakistan. Maybe you can sabotage his book deal. That will really disuade the American people from these silly rumors. You, the lock and load disasterpresident, who talks big until you have to actually serve your country(TRAITOR, COWARD, AWOL DRAFTDODGER, WAR CRIMINAL are adjectives that come to mind) sent your neocon lacky Armitage to talk tough with President Musharaf when Turkey was not going to let you stage or fly your planes over their country for your illegal war. Would have been tough to fly supply into your ILLEGAL INVASION and OCCUPATION without Pakistan. So, you threatened them. Way to go! That is showing the old Diplomacy that you are known for. Couldnt you get Secretary Powell to do your dirty work, or did he even know about your little operative Armitage in the State Department?
America, the target on your back just got alot bigger. Do you feel safer now?
Good Luck,
Phillip Wister