There he goes again. The pretzel is once again authorizing for classified information to be de-classified because of political need. He needed to thwart those evil people(read traitors to the Neocon cause) that leak information to make his disasterpresidency or warpresidency look bad. So, when the usual suspects sit down and figure out a plan,(Chenney, Rumsfeld, Negraponte, Rice, Armitage, and their close advisors)they decide to release information that would otherwise be aiding the evil Islamofacists in their terror war on everything that is good. But we cant let out too much information, only that that throws confusion into the mix. The administration decided that the cigarrette companies and the Oil industry had the right approach attacking Global Warming; confuse them so they dont know what to think. So, they released 4 pages of the entire document about the intelligence assessment of Iraq which gave nebulus information about the failure of the ILLEGAL INVASION and OCCUPATION of Iraq. Are you confused? We have lost nearly 3000 men and women in a war that all our intelligence agencies say is futile. All our high ranking military who can, say we have done the wrong thing at the wrong time with the wrong amount of resources. But you have to hand it to the administration, they play alot of cards to confuse. "The world is better off without Saddam." "Were taking the fight over there, so we dont have to fight it over here." Are you confused yet? All of these nice sound bites are just distraction from the fight against the real enemy. If we stay distracted we can go into the voting booth in November and hang some chads for 'more of the same', or 'stay the course'. The real course is do as much as we can any way we can to advance the Radical Republican agenda. This includes TREASON. Who is the next undercover CIA operative that this administration will give up in order to pursue a political agenda? What else will this Radical Religious Republican clique do to enhance their chances to hold on to power at the polls? The disasterpresident said "If I find who leaked (Valerie Plame) the agents name I will fire them." Well the answer mr disasterpresident is: Richard Armitage, and most of the Chiefs of staff in your adminstration were talking to multiple people in the press. How else would we hear it from so many reporters at the same time. We just had to find out who got to their phone first after the order to commit TREASON came from the disasterpresident and disastervicepresident. So it is firing time mr disaster president. Are you a Man of his word or the weak little pussy that evaded the draft? It is firing time!
Dont hold your breathe America
Phillip Wister
# posted by DISASTERPRESIDENT @ 1:26 PM