Sunday, July 26, 2020
We need to pay very close attention to this. Is it strange that the senate is dragging their feet passing any kind of income assistance? Rentors assistance? Are they lazy? Are they just not cooperating with the Democrats who have passed such legislation? There are 395+ bills passed by the house and sent to the senate, some of which address the housing issue and the unemployment benefit issue. The republican senate has not acted on these. Why?
There may be another answer even more insidious, but very consistent with the republican strategy of voter suppression when a majority of the electorate is another party. There are 100 days till the election. It takes 90 days(atleast in California, because I am a landlord here)to evict someone. Without an address, it becomes that much harder to vote. Who are these rentors who will be potentially evicted?
Democrats, Independents, the people that normally vote more to the left are the ones who would be most affected.
Voter supression has already taken place by closing polling places in low income neighborhoods. Voter rolls have been aggressively purged in republican run swing states and states whose demographics have started to move to the left. Gerrymandering has been taking place for years but courts have started to challenge this old way of republicans suppressing the vote in their favor.
The new methodology for voter suppression might just be keep them homeless and hungry. This way that population, poor, minority, disabled, cannot vote. We need to pay attention. These people will stop at nothing to win an election.
Please follow the link below attributed to Heather Cox Richardson.
Sunday, January 05, 2020
Vlad is in charge of Impeachment
I am going to go out on a limb. I don’t like to make predictions but I think I need to put this out there to think about.
We are not in control of getting rid of the orange shitbag. Though the impeachment process it wont happen because of the mood of the country not being there yet, Russian disinformation is running rampant and we have a partisan divide that is wide. Not enough of us are standing up for the constitution and democracy that is flagging. Valdimir Putin is in the driver seat as to whether the orange shitbag goes or not. He has most of the damning cards that would seal the deal for senators standing by partisan politics rather than democracy.
I believe the orange shitbag has gone too far with the assassination of Suleimani. This was an important actor for Putin. He was just in Moscow meeting and strategizing with Putin. He was a coordinator and planner of strategy for Iran. Putin is finding friends now with Iran, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. In this case it seems to be working.
The calculation Putin is making; How valuable an asset the orange shitbag is since he has been impeached and will be a lame duck no matter what. He has a very great possibility of not being elected anyway. Russian disinformation can still go on without the orange shitbag, plenty of echo chambers in the US still unwittingly amplifying Moscows message. He still has Moscow Mitch in the senate. The orange shitbag has done a great job undermining the NATO alliance, the Iran treaty, alienating the Arab world except the Saudis(who are not really our friends). These all have played in strengthening Putins foreign policy goals and strengthening the Russians position in many place in the world. Vladimir is still smarting from the spanking Obama gave him calling (him)Russian a “regional power”.
If Putin makes the calculation that the orange shitbag has gone beyond his usefulness, the leaks will start coming out that will destroy this so called presidency. Republican senators will have no choice but to abandon the orange shitbag to save themselves, their seat, and their place in history.
This assassination stepped on Vlads foreign policy goals. It is disrupting his game plan. He may feel he has wreaked enough havoc in the west and especially to American Democracy that he no longer needs to prop up the orange shitbag. So now, every phone call to Moscow, whose transcripts were carefully guarded and not listened to by anyone, may come out into the light of day, courtesy of the receivers of those calls. All the hacked information might just find its way to a news paper somehow. The Pee Pee tapes might finally get their airing for the public. Vladimir Putin holds all the cards on the orange shitbag and therefore our whole process of impeachment. If he does out him like I think, you will see a shit storm of recrimination in our country, exactly what Putin would want. We need to come together as Americans and stand up for our democracy if this happens rather than delve back down into partisan bickering.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Sorry folks but I have to chime in here. My friends on the left who are holding their heads saying trump is the end of days, pull your head out. Tout the positives of the candidate you are for and learn from trump. He is a master of dominating the media with smoke and mirrors. Because that is what he has. You all are a twitter about plagiarism, and you have been diverted from real issuses. The trumpers have done this now multiple times in speeches and have your undivided attention. Just say it, Oooooo shiiineey. Are you guys on the left so stupid as to follow your media outlets down the rabbit hole and draw your attention away from real issuses like poverty and education and universal free preschool and universal free health care and free public secondary education. WTF. Really are you so stupid?
My friends on the right. Really? In the 80's trump gave the interview to foreshadow this current campaign. He said he would run as a republican because those voters are so stupid that you can lie to them and they believe it. And you are, stupid and believing it. Your candidate is all image and no substance. And that section of the electorate that believes everything rupert murdoch(fox news)tells them. I wont call you conservatives because you arent. William Buckley jr was a conservative and a man I revere. He commanded respect with his intelligence and his consistency of moral value. He was respected by all no matter how vast the dissagreement. And, he respected those that dissagreed with him demonstrably. He didnt need to demonize his adversary, because he had a wealth of ideas of how things should be in his world view. Trump just makes shit up at the moment with no thought of consistency or implementation, he spouts it off in rambling speeches, and all of you fox news junkies swoon, because you people buy the image not the substance. Atleast reagan had a little substance to go with his larger than life image.
I havent even begun to talk about the off the cuff, imflamatory rhetoric being spoon fed to a disgruntled minority of the middle class. It is sexist, racist, bigoted, xenophobic, anti-religion propoganda worthy of joseph goebels. He would have been proud. I dont believe trump is in this spectrum. I believe him to just want capture media attention. And he has done it well because of the way we want our news for the most part. American media mostly has an agenda to spoon feed an audience for ratings.(got to love capitalism). This leaves us polarized as a country with no one thinking for themselves. Its any wonder that smart people like obama, clinton, carter, kennedy could get elected from a voting population of sheep. But they did things and got things done. The last balanced budgets were under clinton. The first attacks on climate change came under carter. The first real reform of our health care system came under obama. Kennedy started really addressing the race issue in america.
People, stop hating government. It is the thing the founding fathers set up to provide peace, stability, and equality. There are lots of debates we can have as to how to get to those ideals, but lets have them on a civil, respectful basis. We are americans. We need to act with the responsibility that that entails. We are the example for the world, the great experiment, the light of democracy in the darkness of tyranny we see around the world. We need to start acting like americans again. The world is watching.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."
Let us not forget, we are the light of the world. We are the great experiment created by the best English speaking minds of the Enlightenment. Our values enshrined in our founding documents are the beacon to the world of the direction we as Humans must go to achieve our best potential. We are on the verge of squandering those values and that lead with the popularization of ignorance and greed as guiding principle. This administration is not who we are. They do not embody the words of our founding fathers or any principle of decency.
Tuesday, August 08, 2017
It gets worse.....
"I've been trying to explain this to you since Obama took office.
I recently simplified it to help you understand what it is you're faced with.
Here is the simplest way I can break it down for you: America's right wing ARE NOT your fellow Americans who want the same things as you, but just have a different opinion as to how to get there. They ARE NOT trying to create the same America that you are trying to create. They HATE post Civil Rights America and they literally want to destroy it and replace it with a white supremacist theocratic oligarchy.
Underestimate them at your own peril.
Think about this for a moment.
Trump said, "I can shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose any support", and his loyal followers cheered.
But what was he really saying?
He was explicitly saying, "My supporters are so brainwashed that they could see me commit a crime with their own eyes, and they'd call it fake news and continue to support me". That's what he was saying in no uncertain terms, and they took it as a compliment.
Now think about this.
The heads of our intelligence agencies all testified under oath, that Russia attempted to interfere in our election to undermine the chances of one candidate and to help the other.
They all said that this is an extremely serious situation that we need to get to the bottom of.
How did Trump supporters react to this testimony? Did they get angry at Vladimir Putin and Russia?
No..... They got angry at the media that covered it and our intelligence agencies.
Did they declare Russia and Putin their enemy?
No... They declared the media and anyone who wanted to get to the bottom of it their enemy.
What you are dealing with is people who have been programmed for 30 years to only accept facts that fit their narrative.
You are not gonna "reason" with them.
You're not gonna have a civil discussion with them.
You cannot win an argument with someone who is completely immune to facts.
"I can shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose any support"....
Think about the gravity of that level of brainwashing for a moment!
These people actually would rather see the nation go up in flames and disappear into the pages of history than admit that Trump is a miserable failure and a con artist.
They are not gonna help you save America from the fascist threat.
They ARE the fascist threat!"
originally from Craig Turner and ii feel this way also!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Small hands meeting with the Pope
Small hands met with the Pope at the Vatican. It wasn't on his schedule but he had to talk to the Pope. He didn't know that the Pope takes notes on encounters with foreign leaders and entrusts them to his secretary, Monsignor Gessipe. Somehow the notes got into the hands of Breitbart news. They reported that the president asked Pope Francis if he had his Loyalty. The Pope reportedly said he couldn't give that as a good Christian. The President then asked, according to Breibart news, what is it going to take "to make this whole Judas thing go away". Pope Francis declined to talk about an ongoing investigation.
Small hands has been thinking of firing the Pope since Janruary according to his press secretary........
And he wants all these leaks out of the Vatican found and prosecuted!
Friday, April 07, 2017
The bait and switch false flag of small hands.
Are you going to fall for more lies and smoke and mirrors from small hands and his alcoholic entourage?
America, wake up. Really? 59 cruise missiles hitting one air base in Syria and suddenly small hands is a diplomatic genius? Really? Lets break down what is taking place so that everyone does not continue looking at the shiny objects that small hands throws out every day to distract from the High Crimes and Misdemeanors that he and his co-conspirators have been committing since early in 2016.
How would you best distract the growing evidence of collusion and coordination with the Russians in the primary and general election campaigns? How would you best distract from the idea that since you owe a whole lot of Russians(read Putin) a whole lot of money?
Gee whiz, you attack them. Or at least you appear to attack them. You make it look like they somehow have done something egregious. Lets say the Russians back a Tyrant that kills half a million of his own people and sends another two and a half million that don't agree with him fleeing to other countries. Just saying. You don't worry about that if you have small hands. You do nothing for the first two months of your administration because, you are too busy not passing legislation that you have contemplated and backed with all you might and has been promised to your voters for 7 years. You are too busy failing at that. Then the questions mount. The number of guys in your administration that talked to the Russians about winning your election grows. And Grows. And Grows. Pretty soon the only thing smaller than your hands is your approval rating and the number of your own party that will not call for an investigation of your TREASON. What to do, what to do? I know!!! Lets make it look like I make a hostile act toward my favorite backdoor buddy, Vladimir Putin. Of course small hands is not smart enough and has no one around him smart enough to think up this plan. The whole treasonous administration is still talking and coordinating with the Russians(this will come out).
So, getting back to the fake attack on a Syrian airbase. Lets see, we have Oil boy Rex stating out loud that we don't care if Assad stays in power. Remember, this is the guy that has killed half a million of his own people. So its OK to do this and we will tolerate you. We have done it before after all. So Oil Boy Rex is either stupid, inexperienced, or in on the fake attack scheme with small hands. Since he choose to go to Moscow first and see his good friend(wearing his Russian medal of Freedom)Vladimir Putin, rather than go to the NATO summit and meet with our allies who didn't rig our elections. He has been talking to Vladimir to coordinate his trip their, now that he officially is the government he can, Right? So two days later, Assad in full view of the Russians, attacks his own people with chemical weapons. Then without word and in the middle of the Chinese summit, he launches 59(count 'em) cruise missiles at one air base in Syria. All showmanship! What would you expect from a circus clown with small hands.
First, the Russians and the Syrians were informed of the attack ahead of time. WHAT? Yes that is right, they knew it was coming. Soooo, how many planes and Russians and Syrians were really there to be hurt? Well, 16 were killed depending on which report you read. WOW! The Syrians are incredible. They run their air bases with very few personnel to use all those bombs and chemical weapons on their population. Amazing! And maybe they left a skeleton crew of expendables to make it look legitimate.
Second, the base we are talking about would take ten cruise missiles max, to destroy it. Ten cruise missiles, not 59. This was way over kill. This was for show. This was a political decision. The military decides based on expediency and back up resources. This wasn't a military decision. This was a circus act.
What is the outcome of this fake attack on a deserted Syrian air base. All the right wing nut jobs that believe small hands no matter how much he lies to them are cheering. Yup, America is Great again by destroying a deserted air base in Syria. The press which is real and not fake is busy talking about the ramifications of small hands moves and the potential screw up of foreign relations that this caused. This is exactly what Putin's plan was. That's right Putin's plan. You don't think that anyone in small hands entourage is smart enough to execute this planned operation. They cant pass healthcare with both houses of congress and a stacked supreme court now. In one move Putin took the heat off his vassal in the white house by making it look like there was conflict. Now he can get done his agenda. All the while small hands and his alcoholic entourage are busy shredding documents that Obama already preserved and catalogued to show if something was missing when the subpoena comes from the Congressional investigation.
This false flag attack might delay the investigation but will not stop it. Good luck America.